
Health Research Institute (HRI) Summer Undergraduate Research fellowship in 2024

Imagen de Bianca Mercado Velez

Únase al Health Research Institute (HRI) en la hermosa península superior para obtener una beca de investigación de pregrado de verano en 2024. Las solicitudes ahora están abiertas y se aceptan de forma continua. La fecha límite recomendada es el 1 de febrero.





What is Educational Neuroscience and the implications in the classroom

Imagen de Juan Víctor Concepción Cardona

Educational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that explores the intersection between neuroscience and education. It aims to use findings from neuroscience to inform educational practices and improve learning outcomes. The field seeks to understand how the brain develops, processes information, and learns, and how this knowledge can be applied to enhance teaching and educational strategies.

Implications in the Classroom:

  1. Individualized Instruction: Educational neuroscience can help educators tailor their teaching methods to individual students' learning styles, cognitive abilities, and developmental stages. This may involve recognizing and accommodating diverse learning profiles within a classroom.

Diverse Voices in Science Journalism Internship, Science Magazine

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer

Science has an exciting opportunity for a paid summer internship with our News Department. The Diverse Voices in Science Journalism (DVSJ) Internship offers undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing a career in science journalism the opportunity to learn multiple facets of the trade.





Research Tech Position Hamid Rabb Lab Johns Hopkins SOM Division of Nephrology

Imagen de Maria

The Rabb Lab is looking to expand its research team. Below are current opportunities. Interested applicants can send a recent CV, a cover letter and the names of three references to hrabb1@jhmi.edu.

Graduate students

The Rabb Lab is currently in search for a research technician to assist with day-to-day experiments and lab maintenance. Please see below description of job opportunity:




Programa PhD Neurociencia- Universidad de Florida

Imagen de Paola Giusti-Rodriguez

Muchos saludos,

Favor encontrar abajo la información sobre el proceso de admisión para el programa graduado de Neurociencias de la Universidad de Florida. Estaremos presentes en la conferencia de ABRCMS y podemos proveer más información sobre el proceso de admisión y la Universidad de Florida.






Bridge to PhD in Neurosciences Program (Summer Research Program)

Imagen de Irving Vega

ENDURE (Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences) is a series of interrelated programs designed to develop students for PhD programs in Neurosciences, Biomedical, and Behavioral Sciences. The program is designed to develop students' interest and success as graduate scholars in PhD programs.






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