Activities for High School students

Imagen de Camille Amaro Berrocal


Specially for August profesionals should prepare meetings, reunions, visits, open houses, career information for school students who are off to the real world were they NEED a bit of information or orientation about what they want and are going to do. I am a student from Colegio San Felipe of Arecibo P.R., which is a great school that could use more great ideas, and every so and so they bring a conference about future events that we will face. For example ,my main interest, talking to us about careers, good jobs, nice places to go for living and studing, about if we know what we will face after High School and others. Thats the part were you guys could iluminate us better in our future and what we could make out of it, because you know that the future of earth is what they are teaching in the present. It would be very nice of people like you to demonstrate interest in us and to help us open new doors that we couldnt see because we never knew of its existance. That is what i have to share with the reader. ATT Camille Amaro Berrocal


Imagen de Veronica A Segarra

Camille, Thanks so much for letting us know how you would like CienciaPR to contribute to your academic development. This is exactly the kind of input we need- many thanks for your honest feedback! In fact, CienciaPR has been thinking about figuring out a way to efficiently launch a mentoring program. As part of such a program, someone in the early stages of their career, someone like you, would be matched with a member that has been where you are now and therefore be able to mentor you through most of the unknowns-including the questions you expressed in your post. How does such a program sound to you? Would it be helpful? (Camille, tell your friends about this initiative- they might be able to benefit from such a program as well!) If any of you CienciaPR members out there are interested in mentoring a fellow student- please send me an e-mail through the link in my profile page. Also, Camille's post underscores the possibility of recruiting members to volunteer and maybe go to schools close to where they reside (after contacting and making arrangements with the school in question of course) and give a short talk about what they do for a living etc. This might give high school students an early idea of what you can do with a degree in the sciences. How about if you are a member that does not reside in PR but goes to visit regularly? It seems to me that paying a visit to the closest high school in the area you go visit (after contacting and making arrangements with the school in question) would probably not take a lot of time and will prove to be incredibly rewarding. Even if you do not go to the island and visit- you can serve as a mentor for CienciaPR! Let's share with others the practical knowledge we have "gathered" along the way! Thanks again Camille! Veronica
Imagen de Daniel Alfonso Colón-Ramos

Camille, gracias por tu opinion. Con respecto a lo que preguntas, en PR creo que hay varios recursos para estudiants de secundaria, incluyendo el programa de Ciencia sobre ruedas que corre desde Mayaguez ( Ellos dan presentaciones a estudiantes e escuela secundaria y es un programa a mi entender excelente. Tu escuela los podria invitar. Tambien hay un programa, cuyo enlace tenemos en al seccion de recursos, llamado Alacima, pero creo que trabajan mas con profesores que con estudiantes, pero deberias visitar su pagina para ver lo que hacen. Como menciona Veronica, aqui en CienciaPR nos interesa mucho desarrollar un programa de mentoria. Estamos trabajando ese programa ahora, y si tu, o amistades tuyas, le interesa participar deberias comunicarte directamente con Veronica o a traves de este message board. Una tercera alternativa, en lo que montamos el programa de mentoria, es que si tus profesores se animan a invitar a miembros de CienciaPR, estoy seguro lograrian que personas visiten la escuela y den charlas sobre su carrera en la ciencia. Lo que podrias hacer es hablar con tus profesores para arreglar la asembla en la escuela, y a traves de esta pagina podemos conseguir los voluntarios que visiten tu escuela. Gracias por tu entusiasmo y por todas tus ideas!!
Imagen de ogonzalez

Saludos, Camille. Me alegra mucho tu interés en las ciencias. Soy el director del Dpto de Biología y Química en UPR-Bayamón y vivo en Arecibo. Estoy disponilbe para ofrecerles una charla sobre oportunidades de estudios en el área de ciencias y o algún tema de interés. Mi teléfono en UPRB es 787-786-2885 x 2273,2274 o pregunta por el director del Dpto de Biología. Estaré disponible luego del 1ro de agosto.
Imagen de Ramón López Alemán

En el Departamento de Ciencias Físicas del Recinto de Río Piedras de la UPR hemos desarrollado bajo el auspicio de NASA unos talleres de Astronomía y Cosmología para estudiantes de Escuela Superior. Traemos películas y simulaciones de computadora para que los estudiantes le cojan el gusto al trabajo típico de un físico o astronómo que trabaja en la teoría del Big Bang y el origen del universo. Cualquiera que quiera invitarnos a su escuela, organización o bautizo de muñecas puede contactarnos al 764-0000 ext. 2209, o al 787-674-7767, o escribir un email a Tambien pueden arreglar una visita a Rio Piedras si gustan.