¿Eres un ESCRITOR/A que ama la CIENCIA y que quisiera ayudar a salvar el planeta?

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer


The Communications Department at the Union of Concerned Scientists is hiring a Bilingual Web Content Manager and they are looking for a creative, tech-savvy writer to create engaging content! 

¿Eres un ESCRITOR que ama la CIENCIA y que quisiera ayudar a salvar el planeta? ¡Este puesto es para ti! Estamos buscando un comunicador/a bilingüe preocupado por el medio ambiente (inglés-español), creativo y muy activo para que se una a nuestro equipo web.


El Gerente de Contenidos Web deberá planear, escribir e implementar contenido web de calidad y que sea del interés de las audiencias que visitan nuestro sitio. Trabajamos en temas como el calentamiento global, energías renovables, vehículos limpios, alimentación y agricultura, seguridad global, armamento nuclear y en asuntos relacionados con la ciencia y la democracia.


Esta posición requiere de excelente habilidades de escritura (en inglés y español) y la capacidad para transformar textos en contenido web de gran calidad. El candidato/a deberá ser capaz de trabajar en equipo y de realizar varias tareas y proyectos a la vez. El puesto implica 90% de trabajo en inglés y 10% en español, pero creemos que en el futuro la carga de trabajo en español se incrementará significativamente.


La Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) es una organización independiente y sin fines de lucro donde científicos e ingenieros desarrollan e implementan soluciones prácticas e innovadoras para resolver algunos de los problemas más agudos del planeta. UCS combina análisis técnicos con activismo eficaz para crear soluciones prácticas e innovadoras para detener el avance del calentamiento global y crear mejores políticas en temas alimentarios, energéticos y de transporte, al mismo tiempo que lucha contra la desinformación y contra el riesgo de una catástrofe nuclear.



  • Write and edit content for a general audience.
  • Ensure content is technically accurate.
  • Ensure all web content adheres to content strategy, messaging, tone, style, and editorial guidelines.
  • Help dream up ideas for the best way to communicate UCS’s work. Plan and manage new web projects from idea-to-launch. Serve as primary contact for project vendors.
  • Help us create the most visually and verbally compelling content for our site; provide feedback on visual products created by in-house and outside designers.
  • Keep program campaign pages up to date and functional.
  • Provide online strategies for outreach and campaign work.
  • Monitor analytics to keep abreast of how content is performing and to improve SEO.
  • Collaborates on strategies to increase site traffic, and ensure site is optimized for recruiting online constituents and donors.
  • Holds regular meetings with site bloggers and provides guidance as needed.
  • Advise and participate in Spanish language content development for cross-organizational needs.


Qualifications and Experience

Work requires five years’ experience in web writing and content curation and a background in either journalism or science/technical feature writing. Must possess expert-level writing and editing skills, and be thoughtful about content strategy, and collaborate well with others. Design and video experience a plus. In addition, must have familiarity with HTML and knowledge of web metrics, CMS, SEO, and online user interaction best practices. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent required, preferably in Journalism, English, or a discipline with significant writing component. Fluency in Spanish required.

This position requires travel 4-6 times per year for retreats and conferences.

At UCS, comparable training and/or experience can be substituted for degrees when appropriate.

UCS is an equal opportunity employer continually seeking to diversify its staff. In particular, we’re dedicated to broadening opportunities for individuals from demographic groups that are historically underrepresented in the sciences and in environmental advocacy. We’re also committed to building an inclusive workplace culture where talented people of widely diverse backgrounds can thrive. We've adopted this commitment because we believe the inclusion of culturally diverse perspectives will improve our work and produce better societal and environmental outcomes for all, including historically disenfranchised communities. We are actively seeking candidates who bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives to join us in this work.


Compensation, Hours and Location

This is a full-time position based in UCS’s Cambridge, MA office. For candidates who meet all position requirements, the salary is in the high $50’s per year. UCS offers excellent benefits and a rewarding work environment. Information about the organization is available at http://www.ucsusa.org


To Apply

Please submit a cover letter, resume, three writing samples—one of them should be in Spanish, salary requirements, and how you learned about the position via email to jobs@ucsusa.org and include “Bilingual Web Content Manager” in the subject line. Email materials in Word or PDF format only. No phone calls please. Deadline: January 6, 2017 or until filled.



