Grants Program Coordinator: Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


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Please see below regarding a job opportunity with the Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust
If interested, please reply to the email address at the bottom of the message

Opportunity: Grants Program Coordinator

Contractual Relationship: Independent Contractor

The Trust is seeking to contract a qualified individual as Grants Program Coordinator to manage all aspects and tasks related to the implementation of the Trust grant funding programs. These programs are aimed at soliciting and evaluating applicants for funding within the parameters of the Trust’s mission. 

These tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Developing requests for applications (RFAs) or Requests for Proposals (RFPs) designed to solicit specific types of grant or contract proposals from the scientific community; 
  2. Conducting promotional efforts to disseminate information about the RFP to the public at-large.
  3. Providing technical assistance to applicants and grantees; 
  4. Serving as project officer on research contracts and program administrator/director on research grants; 
  5. Managing the reviewer program, including identification and screening of reviewers, participating in reviews of Letters of Intent, and organizing and managing peer-review groups to evaluate research proposals on the basis of their scientific merit. 
  6. Preparing the necessary documentation leading to final recommendations of successful applicants to be submitted to the Trust’s Executive Director;
  7. Managing contracting issues with awardees including post-award functions and the monitoring of compliance with contract terms;
  8. Conducting site visits to applicant and grantee institutions to determine the adequacy of research and training facilities; 
  9. Serving as spokesperson for agency programs in dealing with the scientific community, Puerto Rican government official, and other agencies and stakeholders.
  10. Implementing and/or managing information systems to capture and gather all relevant data related to grants and contracts;
  11. Preparing evaluations and internal progress reports to gather data regarding awardees’ progress, success stories and the resulting economic development impact attained by these.
  12. Under the direction of the Grants Committee, leading efforts to set yearly funding priorities; determining best practices for proposal review, grants award, and grants management; and providing evaluations of the grants programs and recommendations for improvement.


  1. A Masters degree or Ph.D. degree (preferred) in science (preferred).
  2. At least 2 years of grants or program management experience preferably handling and managing federal grants in the areas of science technology, innovation, or entrepreneurship.
  3. Inside knowledge about the workings of large grants management program
  4. First-hand familiarity with the scientific workforce and enterprise, particularly with individuals who can serve as reviewers or advisors
  5. Ability to grasp key concepts, and objectively assess strengths, and weaknesses of research and commercialization projects from a variety of science and engineering disciplines

Compensation: Competitive but will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience and qualifications.

To be considered for this opportunity, you may send your resume to Please include the words Grants Program Coordinator in the email subject area. Phone calls will not be accepted.


