Imagen de Alondra Caraballo Franco


Fecha Límite: 

Martes, 28 febrero 2023

The REU: PR-CLIMB program is designed to provide undergraduate students with high caliber interdisciplinary research experiences that will inspire their professional interests in the Chemical fields, particularly in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical job markets. To that end, students will engage in research projects focused on fundamental studies of materials and biomolecules for potential applications in water purification, energy storage, sensing, drug design, and drug delivery. Through hands-on workshops students will obtain training in broad skillsets in biomolecular synthesis, chemical fractionation, purity assessment, activity assays, and characterization via spectral, structural, and electrochemical approaches that can be implemented in their research and future studies. They will also be taught strategies for producing high quality research manuscripts and public presentations, and for preparing compelling personal statements for applying for research fellowship and graduate school opportunities. They will also meet with professionals in different STEM fields for insight into different career paths. The ultimate goal is to develop well-rounded students with excellent communication skills who are able to become self-sufficient researchers and productive citizens.

The program will take place from June 5, 2023 to August 4, 2023.

Where: Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras
When: June 5, 2023 - August 4, 2023 includes a $4,500 stipend, free dormitory housing, and some funds for travel expenses and diet.
Who should apply: Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in Chemistry or re- lated field with a desire to learn Chemistry at the interface of various disciplines in a diverse environment, have hands-on experience with modern instrumentation, and learn profesional and technical skills to prepare for a STEM career.
Requirements:U.S. citizens or permanent residents, with a GPA over 3.0 and little previous research experience
Submit via Google Docs link:
REU PR CLIMB Application (PDF)
- Copy of transcripts (PDF)
- Two (2) letters of recommendation (PDF)
- Deadline: February 28, 2023


