MBL – Puerto Rico Program

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Attention Scientists and Trainees in Puerto Rico!

The Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts is pleased to offer you temporary laboratory space and housing while Puerto Rico repairs its infrastructure and its research facilities.  Please see list below for details.  If you are interested, please fill out the online application below and we will review your request.

The MBL offers the following:

  • Labs hosted by MBL scientists for pre- and postdoctoral trainees who wish to continue related research (see mbl.edu/research for research interests).
  • Laboratory space available through the end of April, 2018: independent small suites of labs (approximately 400 sq ft units) with offices, fume hoods, tissue culture facilities, cold rooms, and basic equipment such as centrifuges, microfuges, standard electrophysiology rigs, stereomicroscopes, simple compound microscopes, and PCR machines. Supplies must be covered by the scientist.
  • Animal care facilities: vertebrate animals such as mice and rats can be held (not bred) for limited use; this requires an approved IACUC protocol through MBL; standard animal board rates will apply.
  • Marine Resources Center: we presently hold a number of cephalopods and locally collected marine animals in our facility; standard charges will apply
  • Limited amount of housing in apartments and houses on campus at our standard rental fees
  • Assistance in placement of trainees and scientists with MBL host families
  • Assistance with identifying rentals within walking distance of the MBL

You can fill out their application here: http://www.mbl.edu/programa-de-ayuda-para-puerto-rico/ (spanish) or here: http://www.mbl.edu/puerto-rico/ (english)


