presentation on book on flora of PR December 6

Imagen de Sheila Ward


What plant is that? Come to the Book Presentation! A Systematic Vademecum to the Vascular Plants of Puerto Rico, Franklin S. Axelrod, PhD, Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press 7 p. m. December 6, 2011, College of Natural Sciences University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, New Natural Sciences Building Phase II Room A-211 Over 11 years, Dr. Franklin S. Axelrod, Collections Manager of the Herbarium of the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, has researched and prepared an updated, annotated checklist of the vascular plants in Puerto Rico. The annotations include plant distributions, updated scientific names, timing of flowering and fruiting, and references to complete species descriptions for over 2900 species and varieties found in Puerto Rico. What a great resource for your botanical exploration of the island! The Botanical Research Institute of Texas is offering the volume at the reduced price of $30 (regular price $45), including shipping, for those attending the book presentation. For more information, contact Sheila Ward (787-764-0000 1-x4735-#;
