Subgraduados: Quieres entrenamiento para hacer mejores presentaciones científicas y además fondos de viaje para conferencia nacional? Solicita a este programa de ASM antes de Dic. 15

Imagen de Giovanna Guerrero-Medina


Información: Solicitud: FECHA LIMITE: December 15, 2011 Students will: - Present their research at a national meeting - Submit a research abstract to ASM for presentation at the 2012 ASM General Meeting - Attend the Presentation Institute before the ASM General Meeting to enhance their chances of furthering their graduate/professional training - Agree to participate in an undergraduate summer research program at a U.S. based institution. Benefits: - Participate in the ASM Fellows Presentation Institute prior to presenting research at the ASM General Meeting - Receive up to $1500 in travel support to the ASM Presentation Institute and ASM General Meeting (if abstract is accepted) - Receive Two Year ASM student membership Recognition in ASM publications Questions or concerns? Email:


