Two PhD positions on the ecology of Caribbean Sargassum accumulations

Imagen de Ariadna S. Rubio Lebrón


Two positions on the ecology of Caribbean Sargassum accumulations:

As part of a comprehensive study of the ecology and effects of Sargassum accumulations in the US Virgin Islands, two Ph.D. positions are immediately available in the lab of Edwin Cruz-Rivera at Morgan State University and the University of the Virgin Islands. These students will join an active group of researchers and fellow students conducting multidisciplinary research on the emerging environmental problems posed by Sargassum golden tides. Candidates from underrepresented groups in STEM are strongly encouraged to apply.

Ph.D. position 1 – small scale circulation and Sargassum landings: The selected candidate will engage in research linking sub-mesoscale circulation features to incidence of Sargassum accumulations for the Virgin Islands. Candidates with remote sensing and/or hydrodynamic modeling experience are especially welcome. While not a requirement, previous training using drones for ecological work will be considered a strong asset. The candidate will be based at Morgan State University (MSU) in Baltimore and will interact with investigators at both the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) and Dr. Roy Armstrong’s group at the University of Puerto Rico. This is a NASA-funded full time position.

Ph.D. position 2 – Sargassum decomposition and nutrient cycling: The selected candidate will focus on the role of Sargassum golden tides in coastal nutrient fluxes, especially at the sediment-water interface. Candidates with backgrounds in water quality assessment, nutrient transport modeling, biogeochemistry, and/or coastal geology are encouraged to apply. The position will be based at Morgan State University in Baltimore and will interact with investigators at both MSU and UVI. This is a NASA-funded full time position.

Only US citizens and green card holders can be considered for all these positions.

APPLICATION PROCESS (please note there are institution-specific instructions below):

For all positions: Please send a CV or résumé, three recommendation letters, pertinent unofficial transcripts, and a statement (1-2 pages) highlighting which position you are interested in, relevant experience and skills, and how the position will further your future career goals. Send these materials as a single PDF to:

Edwin Cruz-Rivera, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biology and Bioenvironmental Science Program
Morgan State University
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
Tel: (443) 885-2373



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