STEM PhD Careers

Guidance to solve osteoporosis

Imagen de Simara Laboy Lopez

Bones are an essential part of our bodies. There are approximately 33.6 million people in the US alone who suffer from diseases that cause bone density loss such as osteoporosis. Since the skeletal system provides the body’s main support and movement, patients afflicted with musculoskeletal disorders gradually lose their quality of life.





#SACNAS2015: How Social Identity Influences Interest and Persistence in STEM

Imagen de Mónica Ivelisse Feliú-Mójer

Social identity, or the intersection between race/ethnicity and gender identity, strongly influences women and underrepresented minority (URM) students’ interest and persistence in STEM. CienciaPR Team members Dr. Mónica I. Feliú-Mójer and Dr. Yaihara Fortis-Santiago co-organized and co-chaired this session at the 2015 SACNAS Conference to discuss recent research findings as well as strategies that may help promote congruence between social and scientific identity. Presenters included Dr. Paul Hernandez from West Virginia University, Dr. Kenny Gibbs, Jr. from the National Cancer Institute and our own Dr. Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, Executive Director of Ciencia Puerto Rico and Director of the Yale Ciencia Intitiave.

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