Taller Mitochondrial Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology, RCM-UPR, San Juan, PR


Domingo, 5 julio 2015 to Viernes, 10 julio 2015


University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus San Juan, PR

Workshop: Mitochondrial Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology
July 5 – July 10, 2015
University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus San Juan, PR

During the last decade mitochondria have emerged as central components of physiological processes and the pathophysiology of many diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and diabetes. Thus, it is imperative that faculty members at primarily teaching institutions keep up with the rapid accumulation of knowledge generated in this field. The goal of this workshop is to provide faculty members that have little or no experience in mitochondrial research with the most fundamental aspects of the discipline by introducing the participants to a variety of techniques to study mitochondrial biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology. The workshop will include lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises presented by local and national instructors.

Course participants will have free tuition and lodging. Application and more information at


Limited spaces. Apply now!


Carlos A. Torres-Ramos, Sylvette Ayala-Torres and Sabzali Javadov (University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus)
A week-long cCWCS workshop

Tentative Workshop Outline

Day 1: 
Lecture: Mitochondrial Genetics and Cell Biology
Laboratory:  Isolation of mitochondria and oxygen consumption determination

Day 2:
Lecture: Mitochondrial Physiology
Laboratory: Detection of mitochondrial membrane potential

Day 3:
Lecture: Mitochondrial DNA Repair
Laboratory: Detection of mtDNA mutations

Day 4:
Lecture: Mitochondrial Dysfunction
 Detection of mitochondrial generated reactive oxygen species

Day 5:
Lecture: Mitochondria in Health and Disease


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