2014 NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Course

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Fecha Límite: 

Jueves, 22 mayo 2014



2014 NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Course

Integrating Principles of Science, Practice and Policy in Health Disparities Research


The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) will again host a course on the science of health disparities this summer. The course will take place on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, from August 11, 2014 to August 22, 2014.


This two-week intensive course will provide specialized instruction on the concepts, principles, methods, and applications of health disparities science, practice, and policy. It will also integrate principles and practice of community engagement. Nationally and internationally recognized experts in health disparities science will lead individual sessions.


Cost: The course is free, but admission is competitive and daily attendance is mandatory. Participants are responsible for transportation, room and board.


How to Apply: Submit an application via the NIMHD website at www.nimhd.nih.gov from April 14, 2014 to May 22, 2014. Applications will only be accepted online.


All application materials, including recommendation letters, must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. EST on May 22, 2014 for consideration. 


Application Information: The following comprises the application packet:


Completed online application must include:

  • Relevant professional experience (250 word limit);
  • Educational history including honors and awards (250 word limit);
  • Essay describing interest in the course and how it will contribute to work/future career goals in the area of health disparities (350 word limit); and
  • Letter of recommendation addressing in concrete and specific terms strengths, personal qualities, and relevance of course for career trajectory (350 word limit). 


**Once the applicant submits the application, it will generate an automatic e-mail to the applicant’s reference, requesting a recommendation. An application is not complete until the reference submits the letter of recommendation.


Course Information

• Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted, waitlisted, or rejected by June 25, 2014.


• The course overview and syllabus will be on the NIMHD website by mid-April.


Course Contact

• For additional information, contact the course planning committee at NIMHDHealthDC@mail.nih.gov.



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