Apply for the ASMCUE-LINK Travel Award

Imagen de Elvin Joel Estrada Garcia


Fecha Límite: 

Lunes, 7 abril 2014



Seeking mutually beneficial collaborations with faculty and talented undergraduates? Apply for the ASMCUE-LINK Travel Award! The program provides support of up to $1,500 to attend the 2014 ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE®; on May 15-18 in Danvers, Mass. At ASMCUE 2014, you gain access to a network of over 350 biology educators and a venue to establish your next collaboration. Grantees also receive a guided introduction to the ASM Leaders Inspiring Networks and Knowledge Program (ASM-LINK; and learn of our initiatives to build strong “links” between researchers and biology educators.
We are currently seeking applications from tenured and tenure-track researchers committed to broadening participation in STEM research and interested in interdisciplinary collaboration. Researchers who wish to identify and connect with early-career scientists and future faculty instrumental in undergraduate student learning are encouraged to apply.
Eligible candidates will:

• Learn new strategies for satisfying broader impacts criteria
• Connect with dedicated biologists and talented students
• Gain insight into scholarly teaching
For more information, please visit the ASMCUE-LINK Travel Award page at



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