¿Quieres inspirar la próxima generación de científicos? Conviértete en mentor de la Academia de Ciencias de New York

Imagen de Yaihara Fortis Santiago


Fecha Límite: 

Martes, 31 enero 2017

As it appears on the program's website (www.nyas.org/next

 "What is the Next Scholars Program?


The Next Scholars Program is an exciting initiative — a revolutionary program that pairs female STEM mentors with undergraduate women to grow a global network of like-minded women and keep talented women in professional Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) pathways all around the US. The program is a re-launching of the NeXXt Scholars Program which was launched by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in December 2011 — view the video at the bottom of this page.


The New York Academy of Sciences, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and a consortium of women's colleges, launched the NeXXt Scholars Program in the fall of 2012. This Program aimed to engage, connect, and advance young women from countries with predominantly Muslim populations and young American women to pursue undergraduate degrees in STEM fields. In order to accomplish this goal, the Academy provided partnership, mentorship, and networking support for these Scholars by way of a selected female STEM Fellow (mentor).


The Academy's Next Scholars Program is made possible by a grant from Infosys Foundation USA in pursuit of its mission to bridge the digital divide and empower underrepresented students and educators to become creators of technology.


The reimagined Next Scholars Program will continue the mission of its predecessor by pairing young women across the United States with a female STEM mentor and guiding their partnership through an online learning platform where Scholars will have access to cutting-edge, asynchronous content that allows them to develop essential 21st century skills, as well as advancing computer science (CS) literacy. Mentors in the program can develop their own skills in youth development, and take advantage of a complimentary one-year membership to the Academy.


The three pillars of the program are:


  • 1:1 mentoring virtual year-long mentoring relationship with a professional women in STEM or academia.
  • Course work to support career readiness, CS literacy, and soft skills development.
  • Supportive network of peers and mentors to socially learn and share a network.




Application Process for Next Scholars


Any young woman currently enrolled in a U.S. based college or university that is pursuing a major/concentration with a STEM focus, especially computer science, is eligible to apply. The Next Scholars application is now open for the 2017–2018 year and is due by January 6, 2017. Apply today!


Application Process for Next Mentors


Mentor applications are open to women currently in a STEM-related field, or pursuing a PhD or higher in a STEM-related field. Mentors can be based anywhere in the world, but must have reliable access to at least one internet-capable device and be comfortable communicating in English. Selected candidates will be invited to interview with program representatives during the vetting period. The Next Mentor application is now open for the 2017–2018 year and is due by January 6, 2017. Apply today! "






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