Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Biology, University of Richmond

Imagen de Omar Alberto Quintero-Carmona


Fecha Límite: 

Martes, 1 octubre 2019

The Department of Biology at the University of Richmond invites applications for a full-time tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of Biology for the 2020-21 academic year. We seek a broadly-trained biologist who will excel in inclusive, undergraduate teaching and engage undergraduate students in a productive research program. Candidates should have a doctoral degree, post-doctoral experience, and expertise in the field of genetics and/or genomics. The successful applicant is expected to teach introductory courses in the major, including Integrated Biological Principles I, which focuses on molecular and cellular biology within the context of evolution (syllabus link), and an upper level genetics course. We are especially interested in recruiting individuals who have interest and experience in broadening access and inclusivity in STEM disciplines, which aligns with the University’s strategic plan (https://strategicplan.richmond.edu/).

The Department of Biology provides a broad biology education within the context of the liberal arts. We value teaching that emphasizes inclusive, evidence-based pedagogies and high impact practices, such as course-based research experiences. We actively contribute to our fields of study through peer-reviewed research. We are firmly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and aim to give all students interested in biology the opportunity and skills needed to succeed. We are looking for colleagues that share these goals and who will pursue continued growth in these areas. The University supports these values and offers opportunities for continued faculty development.  

Successful candidates will demonstrate evidence of these values via three personal statements:  
(1) A teaching statement illustrating teaching approach, how their plans for both teaching and research intersect, and preferences and ideas for courses taught
(2) A research statement describing the trajectory of their research program, how it will contribute to their field, and how aspects of their research program will incorporate undergraduate researchers
(3) A statement on inclusion and equity expressing the candidate’s views on fostering inclusivity in STEM through their experience, proposed endeavors, and/or their understanding of issues related to inclusion and equity.

The Biology Department will evaluate candidates equally in all three areas.

The Department of Biology is in the Gottwald Center for the Sciences along with the Departments of Chemistry, and Physics. The Department of Biology offers courses for non-majors and for majors in Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Environmental Studies, a concentration in Neuroscience, and Integrated and Inclusive Science. The typical faculty teaching load is a 3/2 (alternating semesters of 9 and 6 contact hours), with a lab section counting as one teaching unit. This position includes a research laboratory, equipment, and startup funds. A full-time Director of Biological Imaging manages our microscopy facility, which includes an SEM, TEM, a laser scanning confocal microscope, and a multi-mode epifluorescence microscope with time-lapse capabilities. The university also maintains an animal facility, greenhouse and herbarium, flow cytometer, standard molecular biology equipment, computer imaging technology, and field research equipment and vehicles. Members of the Department of Biology also have access to two University-owned field sites that are approximately 15 and 45 minutes from campus.

The School of Arts & Sciences, the liberal arts core of the University, is a thriving and inclusive community of 230 faculty, twenty-two departments and ten interdisciplinary programs. We offer distinctive and engaging learning opportunities to students and outstanding resources to support the scholarly, creative, and pedagogical activities of the faculty. For information about the foundations, goals, and initiatives of the School of Arts & Sciences, see the Concept 30 Strategic Plan https://as.richmond.edu/concept30/index.html . 

The University of Richmond is a private university located just a short drive from downtown Richmond, Virginia. Through its five schools and wide array of campus programming, the University combines the best qualities of a small liberal arts college and a large university. With nearly 4,000 students, an 8:1 student-faculty ratio, and more than 90% of traditional undergraduate students living on campus, the University is remarkably student-centered, focused on preparing students “to live lives of purpose, thoughtful inquiry, and responsible leadership in a global and pluralistic society.”

The University of Richmond is committed to developing a diverse workforce and student body, and to modeling an inclusive campus community which values the expression of difference in ways that promote excellence in teaching, learning, personal development, and institutional success. Our academic community strongly encourages applications that are in keeping with this commitment. For more information on the department see (https://biology.richmond.edu/).

Applicants should click "Apply Now" and submit a curriculum vitae, cover letter, and the statements on teaching, research and fostering inclusivity in STEM described above. In addition, please include copies of academic transcripts and the names of three references who will receive an email asking them to submit their reference letters to the University's Human Resources department atURHR@richmond.edu. Review of applications will commence October 1, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. Questions about the search should be addressed to John Warrick, Chair of the Search Committee (jwarrick@richmond.edu).



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