
*** ERC funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Optical Sensing***

Imagen de Marcos Lopez
TitleERC funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Optical Sensing
Opportunity TypeJobs / Talent Search
Full Description

The “3D Cell Sensing” group (PI: Loretta L.





*** ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Scaffold systems for 3D assembly of tumoroids***

Imagen de Marcos Lopez
TitleERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Scaffold systems for 3D assembly of tumoroids
Opportunity TypeJobs / Talent Search
Full Description

The “3D Cell Sensing” group (PI: Loretta L.





Alarmante acumulación de contaminantes emergentes en cuerpos de agua

Este artículo es reproducido por CienciaPR con permiso de la fuente original.

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MAYAGUEZ - Un estudio publicado por la Junta de Calidad Ambiental (JCA) reveló que en diversos cuerpos de agua en Puerto Rico, incluyendo algunos de los más importantes como el embalse La Plata y los ríos grandes de Manatí, Loíza y Añasco, se encontraron bajas concentraciones de antibióticos, cosméticos, esteroides, tranquilizantes para animales, repelente de insectos y otros tipos de contaminantes emergentes.


Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Soft Materials REU– UPRM

Imagen de Hilary Marrero

Nano-bubbles are air or other gas bubbles immersed in water with a diameter of approximately 150-200 nm. During the last years, they have been studied due to their great number of applications in the areas of Alzheimer disease, cancer, cleaning agents, drug delivery and gene delivery. In the same way, bubbles are the cause of decompression sickness (DCS). This sickness is related to persons working on submarines, high altitude works and more commonly, divers. When a person is diving deep and then goes up suddenly to the surface, bubbles are formed in their tissues due to the change from high pressure to low pressure. These ones can block the flow of blood in the vessels and produce a gas embolism. During this summer, I am working in Dr.

Soft Matter Research at University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

Imagen de Hyeon Ju Song

Cancer has been and still remains a mystery for even the world's most renowned doctors. Although we understand the concept of cancer, we have failed to develop an effective and efficient method of treating it. Chemotherapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer. However, it is not 100% efficient because it targets both healthy and cancerous cells. In addition, chemotherapy is not always 100% effective. In order to provide a more useful treatment to cancer patients, nano technology can be utilized. In Dr. Jaime Ramirez's lab, we have created nanoparticles (essentially very tiny molecules). These nanoparticles, when loaded with cancer-fighting drugs, will attach solely to the cancerous cells, release the drugs within the cells, and kill them.

University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez, Summer REU Program

Imagen de Joseph P Ulbrich

Hello all,

Welcome to my summer research blog where I'll be keeping all updated on my research adventures and other excursions throughout Puerto Rico!  This summer, I'll be performing research into discovering the characteristics of enzyme - coated Nano particles for 10 weeks researching at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez, Chemical Engineering building.  This opportunity has been provided to me through a summer REU program available through Soft Matter Labs at UPRM.  After my research is completed, I plan to spend another two weeks traveling around Puerto Rico to see all those places I've won't have been able to see only on the weekends.

Fundación Nacional de Ciencias y UPR asignan $27 millones para nanotecnología

Este artículo es reproducido por CienciaPR con permiso de la fuente original.

Un grupo de investigadores recibirá $27 millones provenientes de la Fundación Nacional de Ciencia (NSF, en inglés) y la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) para impulsar proyectos de nanotecnología.


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